Reflective Summary

The production of this EP has been a challenging but fun experience. Setting my own learning outcomes was difficult simply because I didn’t know what I wanted to learn. However, looking back at my level 2 production work, I knew that there were many ways in which I could improve my production techniques. And so, I thought of the areas which could do with improving and set myself some learning outcomes to improve on them.

LO1: “Develop my understanding of making my mixes ‘fuller’ using stereo field and dimension”.

I’ve certainly learned a lot about creating sonic spaces within a mix through width, height and depth. Although I was already familiar with creating depth through reverb, through further research, I found out how to use it more effectively. Some of my vocals, for example, blended with the reverb which, although the reverb added depth to my mixes, would make the vocal parts sound more distant as well. To separate the parts, you can turn down the higher frequencies on the reverb and/or add some pre-delay. I never understood how pre-delay could be used effectively until now.

I also found the reasoning as to how we perceive width in sounds quite interesting. Before now, I used to pan string instruments and pad synths both left and right to make mixes sound ‘fuller’ but I never understood why it never worked. Now I’ve learned that identical sounds coming from both speakers will only result in a phantom mono effect.

With the research I’ve done, the work I’ve created this year makes a lot more use out of stereo field and dimension. As well as making some sounds seem ‘wide’ by having them contrast in different speakers, I’ve also applied width within a few musical parts by having them move across the stereo field. Chords and melodies can be heard moving left and right in ‘Overload’ for example.

LO2: “Establish ways in which to develop project management skills and apply these skills to the production process of my EP”.

My project management was quite poor during the production of my level 2 production work. This resulted with stress and a variety of technical problems. This year, I booked a number of studio sessions for recording and mixing across the weeks and planned on how I wanted to use each session before using them. This helped me prepare my work and gather necessary equipment. I even learned how to better organise my work within my chosen DAW; Reaper. Colour-coding, arranging, grouping and labelling tracks really helped make the sessions easy to navigate. This was important since most sessions had over 40 tracks, some with layers of automation beneath them. However, I also learned how to organise my work for more technical reasons as well. I learned that an overabundance of plugins can take up a lot of your computers processor and slow down its overall performance. This became noticeable to me as some projects began lagging during playback. And so, rather than having many plugins on each and every track, I learned to route multiple tracks into induvial plugins.

LO3: “Develop methods of writing music in terms of idea generation with a focus on melody using references from other artists and industry professionals”.

Geoff Petty’s ICEDIP/creativity process was helpful. However, I didn’t follow it very strictly. I didn’t create as many ideas as his process would suggest. I simply created four demos and became adamant on developing them rather than creating multiple demos and choosing some to proceed with and others to put aside. However, there was one stage from his process that I did find realy useful and that was the incubation stage. This is when you choose to leave your work alone rather than force yourself to develop ideas under pressure. Whenever I felt overly stressed about one of my tracks, I would separate myself from it and work on another track instead. I kept doing this, cycling through each track one at a time, and it really helped me develop my work and come up with music ideas while making use of as much time as possible.

The priority of my research for idea generation though came from analysing songs by other artists. The guitar solo in ‘Crash’ had many takes recorded before it, each taking influence from various guitarists. Some used wah-wah effects like those used in Stevie Ray Vaughan’s ‘Telephone Song’ and others used some more rockabilly-like playing techniques. In the end, we decided to use techniques heard in Van Halen and Fleetwood Mac songs. My research became troublesome when I wrote ‘Overloaded’. I was mainly influenced by the Stranger Things soundtrack while I was writing it. As a result, adding lyrics to it proved difficult as the Stranger Things soundtrack was mostly, if not all, instrumental. I was originally going to create a poem to be talked over the music during the verses, but this idea bored me as the narrative had no musical structure. Due to time constraints, I ended up adapting my poem into melodies through improvisation. I should have planned some better reference material that contained vocal parts since I wanted to write a song with vocal parts.

LO4: “Learn ways of gaining a successful vocal recording in preparation and recording”.

I’m not a singer and this became clear in my last EP. But with better preparation, I believed I could produce some vocals worth mixing. And so, I researched a variety of ways to prepare people for singing sessions. As well as utilising them myself, I also made sure that my guest vocalist, James Jolly, prepared himself as I wanted the best performance possible out of him.

James’s vocals were much easier to mix than mine since he gave a better performance. Realising how easy it was to implement James Jolly’s singing into my songs made me think I should have collaborated with more singers. Even with various vocal preparation techniques, my singing isn’t the best which, as a result, makes the mixing of vocals very tedious.

LO5: “Establish and implement current industry-standard methods of music promotion”.

The music industry is a network that connects people from many areas. The most effective way to promote yourself is to make some of those connections. And so I plan on sending my music to a variety of music-reviewing blogs. Although my objective is to “implement” methods of music promotion, I haven’t yet sent my work to any blogs as I wanted to allocate as much time as possible to finishing my mixes – I didn’t want to rush the production so that I may send the music to the blogs before the deadline. However, I will email them within the next week and hopefully have some reviews, or at least some responses from blogs who plan to review my music, to discuss during the Viva-Voce.

I was hoping the Ashfield council would be interested in helping promote my work when I contacted them regarding album cover imagery. However, the fact that they never responded to me meant I had to forget about that idea completely. Perhaps I should have emailed them earlier? I imagine they must be busy towards Christmas.

The collaborations I made with James Jolly and Joe Dickinson will provide me with some extra promotion. They could benefit from the promotion of my work as it expands their repertoires, showing people that they are open to collaborations and even experimenting in the electronic music genre. And so, they agreed to help promote my work through some of their own commercial social media pages. In other words, they’ll be sharing their own audiences with me.


I’m very happy with what I’ve produced. I’ve collaborated with two people, recorded guitar parts for two of my songs, produced 3 minutes more music than my last EP (not including any introduction track) and, overall, have enjoyed the process due to better planning and research. The production of this EP has given me the confidence to research further into music production and create more work in the future. However, the creative and technical choices I make could be heavily influenced by some feedback, of which I am really hoping to get from some music blogs. Overall, I think this EP has been a big improvement on my last EP.

Tutorial 11

During my final tutorial, I was given some last-minute tips on how to finish off some of my mixes. I took said advice and dampened some of the reverb used on the instruments of track 1. I also tried to further level the vocals in track 2. However, adding more compression seemed to distorted some of the ‘S’ pronunciations. To quickly get around this, I upped the sensitivity on a de-esser plugin.

Production Post 13

LO3: Finishing Touches

I’ve added some atmospheric sounds at the beginning and end of Track 2 in an attempt to create some sort of sonic-imagery representing the nightlife of my hometown (it’s somewhat dark and scary). The atmosphere tracks seemed to shadow the first synth in the song and made it difficult to hear. To fix this, I used an EQ to turn down some of the mid-frequencies of the atmosphere tracks, making space for the synth to be heard within the mix. I also ended Track 3 with the sound of a car door slamming and an engine running – it seemed appropriate since the song lyrics are based around reckless driving.

I’ve also finally given my songs names.

Track 1 = I’d Rather Not Know

Track 2 = Overloaded

Track 3 = Crash

Track 4 = After Hours

I finished my mixes by making sure each song had similar levels of volume throughout the EP. I also ended each song at 0dB via volume automation on the master fader – I wouldn’t want to risk having any abrupt dynamic cuts between any of the songs.

Finally, I added metadata including artist information, album art and track names. The finished songs can be downloaded HERE.

Production Post 12

LO5: Promoting My Music

As a follow-up to Production Post 6, I chose the art below to represent my EP as I never got a reply from the Ashfield council about using their public structures within my imagery. Although it isn’t the most creative design, it looks nice and follows a similar format to my last EP cover art with the ‘Vin McLo’ text being in the exact same place within the square.


With the EP nearing the end of the production process, I’ve been researching into professional ways to promote my music that can reach further than small social media groups. I found one website with a bunch of useful tips (New Artist Model, 2017). I already use Facebook to promote my music, however my fanbase so far mainly consists of family and friends. The two artists I collaborated with in Track 3 said they’d share my work on their own bands social media pages once the EP is released.

The music industry is full of many areas and career choices including song writers, performers, engineers, promoters, etc… It’s important to build networks in order to make the most out of it (Careers in Music, 2015). I’ve already collaborated with two other artists however I could also reach out to further audiences by asking a variety of music blogs to review my work. As well as getting some promotion, I could also get some useful feedback on how my work could be improved. Of course, I would be over-optimistic to think that some of the more global mainstream blogs would want to feature my work. And so, I’ve searched for a few smaller independent blogs to send my work to.

High Clouds – A blog that reviews albums and EPs from emerging artists of all genres. Available from:

Electronic North – An independent label and promoter based in Northern England that works with electronic music artists. Available from:

Indie Pulse Music Magazine – A group that focusses on independent music artists. Available from:

Xune Mag – A group that works with unsigned artists and gives them a chance to emerge. Available from: – A diverse group of people that like to write reviews and share music. Available from:

Birp.FM – Another blog that focuses on working with unsigned artists. They frequently put out playlists of new music for people to discover. Available from:

I’ll send emails and submissions to all of these blogs once my EP is complete. As for the release of my EP, I’ve been researching when the best day to release it could be. According to Brightside, Tuesdays are becoming good days to release music CDs, as well and Blu-Rays and DVDs, as they act as safety days in case product didn’t arrive on Monday. However, since my EP is only being release as a digital format (for now) I don’t have to be concerned about this.

A Wired article states that Fridays are good days to release music as consumers are more likely to buy products on weekends. However, it also states that a Tuesday release would give me more time to stand out from the mainstream media before the weekend rush whereas a Friday release would have me shadowed by mainstream advertising campaigns.

I don’t have a budget for advertising and so I doubt that any choice of day would cause me to stand out from mainstream, or even independent, media; I have to think realistically as well as optimistically. Considering that more people would have time to notice, or even buy, my EP over a weekend, I’ve decided to release my music on Friday the 22nd of December. I’ll send my music to various blogs before then in order to hopefully get some reviews in as soon as possible.

I noticed that a lot of bands tend to release trailers for their albums and EPs on shortly before release on social media. Check out this example trailer by Tennis HERE. With this in mind, I decided to make my own trailer. It uses old VHS video footage to conform with the retro-style Vin McLo branding. You can watch the trailer by clicking HERE. It’ll be made available to the public on the 15th December, right before the weekend, on the Vin McLo Facebook page.


Brightside (2017) Which day of the week is best to release music? Friday, I guess. Available from:

Careers in Music (2015) Making Connections in the Music Industy Through Networking. Available from:

Tennis (2017) 3 Days. Available from:

Wired (2016) Why Dropping Music on Friday is Pivotal (Hint: It’s Not Sales). Available from:


Production Post 11

LO4: Recording and Mixing Vocals

I took a few tips from Sound on Sound to help get my vocal takes. I recorded vocals from tracks 1, 2 and 3 using a Rode NT1-A cardioid pattern, condenser microphone. Its low self-noise level and wide dynamic range make it suitable for recording vocals. The cardioid pattern also made sure that the microphone would pick up vocals from in front of the microphone while barely picking up anything else in the surroundings. I recorded my vocals, and the guest vocals for Track 3, in the multitrack dead-room. I chose the dead-room over the live-room as I wanted to record as little reverb and room tone as possible which, as a result, would give me more control over reverb settings during the mixing stage.

I searched for various tips online to help me with the mixing and the most useful ones I found where from The Pro Audio Files. I found that a few of my current mixing practices could do with some improving. For example, I would usually spend hours mixing solo’d tracks, trying to create perfect tones for individual instruments and vocal parts. However, I’m now aware of the importance of mixing in context to other instruments. I need to use the ‘solo’ buttons less frequently when mixing tracks and start making tracks sound good together rather than individually. And so, on some tracks I have turned down certain frequency ranges to make space for the vocals and other instruments within each of my songs.

I’ve also learned how pre-delay can improve my usage of reverb. Although I want reverb to create space and dimension, I also want the vocals to stand at the front and centre of the mix. Pre-delay can put space in between the vocals and reverb and therefore allow me to have both space and centred vocals.

I processed the vocals in other ways too. For example, I used a de-essers to reduce the overemphasis on ‘S’ and ‘T’ sounds. I also used a mix of compression and automation to control the dynamics of the vocal parts. Although compression is very useful when it comes to stabilising dynamic range, it can also make less-wanted sounds, such as breathing, more noticeable. I used automation to reduce the volume, or sometimes remove, such sounds



Sound on Sound (2006) Vocal Recording and Production Masterclass. Available from:

The Pro Audio Files (2017) 7 Simple Tips to Mix Vocals Like a Pro. Available from: