Tutorial 11

During my final tutorial, I was given some last-minute tips on how to finish off some of my mixes. I took said advice and dampened some of the reverb used on the instruments of track 1. I also tried to further level the vocals in track 2. However, adding more compression seemed to distorted some of the ‘S’ pronunciations. To quickly get around this, I upped the sensitivity on a de-esser plugin.

Tutorial 10

In today’s tutorial, I presented one of my songs that was near to being completed. Said song had some vocal parts recorded and partly mixed. My tutor said that I should adjust the reverb by turning down the high-ends. Other than that, I was making good pruductive progress.

Blog-wise, I need to write about more of my benchmarking to show justification behind some of my creative choices. We also discussed about release plans for my EP. I need to research when a good day to release it could be. Though it might not be released before the deadline, the production will certainly be completed by then.

Tutorial 9

During this tutorial, I got some feedback on the work I’ve recently carried out on Track 1. I was given some good ideas on how to improve it. I need to add some more variation to the drums as the loops get a tad repetitive at parts. I should also do something about the bass to either make it sound more like a synth or less like a synth as it is stuck in a confusing limbo at the moment. Some note bends and automation in dynamics might fix it up.

Tutorial 8

My tutor is happy with my blog development, with the added categories and organisation of references, but I still need to write more about production. I’ve also been given a few tips on how to better some posts I have at the moment. For example, it might be good to have some ‘before and after’ sounds to better show what progress is being made. I could also find a way to embed music and sounds onto the blog itself.

Tutorial 7

During my 7th tutorial, I was told I need to catch up on my written work as my music was developing faster than the blog. I was also given a few tips on how to better my blog. Such tips include adding a bibliography on a different page, referencing my research sources after each post and adding a Spotify reference playlist.